[Histonet] Tissue Adherence problem

John Garratt john.garratt at ciqc.ca
Fri Jul 19 15:49:46 CDT 2019

Terri is right on the money with her advice.
Especially the de- ionized water,  NO double dipping and defiantly NO adhesive part.


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On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 10:25 AM, Terri Braud via Histonet <histonet at lists.utsouthwestern.edu> wrote:

> Hi Deanne -
> Hope this will help
> For our Ventana Ultra, we use Leica / Surgipath Apex Superior Adhesive slides.
> We use de ionized water in our baths at 45C ish, no additives.
> We never "double-dip" our slides (meaning that if we mount a control on the top of the slide, we turn the slide upside down to pick it up, only immersing the slide to pick up the intended tissue)
> We pre-bake IHC slides in a hot air blower over at 65C, 10 min for small tissues, and 1 hr for large tissues, then load for IHC.
> For special stains, we use the same slides, but they go directly on the Sakura Prisma stainer into the instrument oven at 65C for 15 minutes before staining
> For H&E, we use the plain Surgipath Snowcoat slides, no adhesive, directly on the Sakura Prisma stainer into the instrument oven at 65C for 15 minutes before staining. They dry vertically in a rack as we cut, then we load as soon as the rack is full.
> We once had an issue with tissue falling off and were able to trace it to a new tech's liberal use of Paraguard Spray. Stopped using it, wiped everything down with alcohol and our problem went away.
> Also, many years ago, I had a problem with a bad lot of slides, but these were Cardinal's.
> I sincerely hope you can get this straightened out. I know how frustrating such a problem can be.
> Terri
> Terri L. Braud, HT(ASCP)
> Anatomic Pathology Supervisor
> Laboratory
> Holy Redeemer Hospital
> 1648 Huntingdon Pike
> Meadowbrook, PA 19046
> ph: 215-938-3689
> fax: 215-938-3874
> Care, Comfort, and Heal
> Today's Topics:
> 2. Tissue Adherence Issue (Knutson, Deanne)
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2019 09:21:49 -0500
> From: "Knutson, Deanne" <DKnutson at primecare.org>
> Subject: [Histonet] Tissue Adherence Issue
> Fellow Histonetters -
> I would appreciate your feedback on an intermittent issue that has shown up in our lab.
> All of a sudden, we are having difficulty with tissue specimens falling off of our slides on the IHC stains and special stains sporadically.
> About a year ago, we switched instruments on the IHC bench from the Leica BOND to the ROCHE ULTRA, and we use the Ventana NexES special stainer.
> No adherence issues with all of the validation slides that were run.
> We have tried various types of slides recently as well, and the issue still prevails.
> Would any of you mind telling me your slide workflow - type of slide used, gelatin or not used in flotation bath, how long slides are cooked, etc.... for your IHC slides, for your special stains slides, and even for your H&E slides.
> I would welcome your suggestions and feedback.
> Thank you so much!!!
> Deanne Knutson
> Supervisor
> Anatomic Pathology
> "Let All Be Received as Christ."
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