[Histonet] Need Suggestions: IHC Slides and Floating Sections + 4% PFA Fixation

Nasir Abbas shinwari_1 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 21 22:36:21 CST 2016

Hi All
1) How long vibratom liver sections when cut in ice cold PBS and then stored at 4C in PBS could be used? 2) How long paraffin embedded liver tissues after dewaxing and antigen retrieval stored in PBS at 4C could be used?
3) Whether liver tissues fixed in 4% PFA for more than a month would have any affect on antigen integrity?when antigen of interests (CD68, F4/80, Ly6g, CD4 and CD8) are low in abundance (different time points from 15min to 96hrs of injury)? Has any body encountered such problem before? If such was the case with you, how would have you tackle it?
and finally,3) Any body could suggest liver pathology atlas with normal to special stain please?
For your opinions and suggestions, thanks in advance.
Sincerely Nasir Abbas
---PhD FellowGuangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and HealthChinese Academy of Sciences190 Kai Yuan Avenue Science Park Guangzhou, 510530, Guangdong P.R.ChinaCell: +86-1312 8296 614

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