[Histonet] difficult cross section to cut
Louise Renton
louise.renton <@t> gmail.com
Wed Jan 11 01:37:39 CST 2012
Hi Peggy
1. I have found that to cut bone the block has to be REALLY cold. Face
block with increased knife angle as suggested by Rene, and then place in
freezer overnight - then try sectioning
2. Try surface decalcification of your block overnight in whichever soln.
you normally use.
3. Section at 4-6 microns
4. You do not say, but high profile disposables work better with bone than
low profile
5, failing this, you could try dewaxing and re decalcifying for a few more
good luck
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 7:35 PM, DiCarlo, Margaret <
MDiCarlo <@t> kaleidahealth.org> wrote:
> Histonetters,
> I was given a cross section (3.5 x 3.2 x 0.6 cm) and a portion of a
> femur that they think is osteoporotic. After decaling the cross section
> of the femur in 10% formic acid for 12 days, processing using xylene and
> embedding in Tissue Prep 2, I have been unsuccessful in attaining a
> section. The knife just skips over the bone. I have soaked the bone
> with a 50/50 solution of fabric softener and still can't get a section.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thank you.
> Peggy DiCarlo HT (ASCP)
> Orthopedic Bone Lab
> Buffalo General Hospital
> Buffalo, NY 14203
> 716-859-1293
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Louise Renton
Bone Research Unit
University of the Witwatersrand
South Africa
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