[Histonet] Re: Anatomicalalal

Robert Richmond rsrichmond <@t> gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 17:02:52 CDT 2011

Vikki Baker notes:

>>I've been reading all of this and just lovin' it!  Anatomic Pathology or Clinical & Anatomic Pathology.  It was also once told to me that Anatomic Pathology was the "ugly step sister" which is why getting $$'s was difficult.
But I have another question is it Tol-U-i-dine blue or Tol-id-ei-on
blue?  "Tom-A-toe ,Tom-a-tow, Pot-A-toe, Pot-a-tow let's call the
whole thing off".  Isn't that how the song goes?  Sorry I couldn't
resist.  Have a happy night.  Sara my $5 is on it's way... now you can
get an extra paddle for your row boat!

"Toluidine blue" is tuh-LOO-uh-din or tuh-LYOO-uh-din depending on
where you come from in the English language. I've also heard

Anatomic pathology is indeed often referred to as the "ugly
stepsister" or "red-haired stepchild" because of its isolated lowly
position in the clinical laboratory, a situation that's gotten
somewhat worse in my near half a century in pathology.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN

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