[Histonet] coverslippers

Jennifer Sipes jengirl1014 <@t> yahoo.com
Fri Apr 8 13:29:46 CDT 2011

Hi Everyone!

Our small core is looking into getting a coverslipper and I was wondering the 
following things:

1) Which company did you get yours from?
2) Is there a difference between glass vs. plastic? (thinking of allowing people 
who do IHC/IMF to use it too)
3) What are the pros and cons of your machine?

The world of coverslippers is huge and I'm just getting into the 
automation---FINALLY!! Would love to hear from the experienced!

Thanks so much for all of your help in advance!  I truly appreciate it!


Jennifer K. Sipes, ALAT
Sr. Laboratory Technician
Johns Hopkins University
Ross 929
720 Rutland Avenue
Baltimore, MD  21205
phone:  410-614-0131
fax:         410-955-9677
cell:        443-631-6361
e-mail:  jsipes1 <@t> jhmi.edu


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