[Histonet] unstained paraffin tissue slides storage--why cold?

Emily Sours talulahgosh <@t> gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 09:07:45 CDT 2010

Can I ask what the point of storing paraffin sections in freezing cold
They are wax sections, which never see any type of cold, so I don't
understand the point of this.  I do understand putting them at 4 degrees to
prevent mold, but -80 seems excessive.
We have kept our slides at room temperature for years and years, but these
slides do not have an albumin coat (which I can see getting moldy), just a
chemical coating.
Fixing for paraffin and paraffin infiltration seems to keep antigens safe
without refrigeration because it's so intense, but that's just conjecture on
my part.

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