[Histonet] Processing mouse seminal vesicles
Rene J Buesa
rjbuesa <@t> yahoo.com
Wed Dec 10 11:32:08 CST 2008
Mouse tissues, any one, will dry out too much with ethanol and xylene.
I advise you to stop using ethanol and xylene and substitute BOTH with iso-propanol at the concentrations and times you are using now.
Instead of the first paraffin, use a mixture 1:1 of iso-propanol and paraffin, followed by the 2 paraffins.
Try it and you will notice the difference (and the saings).
René J.
--- On Wed, 12/10/08, Kathleen Roberts <kgrobert <@t> rci.rutgers.edu> wrote:
From: Kathleen Roberts <kgrobert <@t> rci.rutgers.edu>
Subject: [Histonet] Processing mouse seminal vesicles
To: "'histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu'" <histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu>
Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 11:54 AM
Does anybody have a protocol for this? My last batch of these came out VERY dry
and crunchy when run with other tissues on my standard protocol, which is as
(They are fixed on the benchtop in 10% NBF for 4-5 days, then rinsed out before
70%: 30 min
80%: 30 min
95%: 45 min
95%: 45 min
100%: 45 min
100%: 45 min
xylene: 45 min
xylene: 45 min
Paraffin: 30 min
Paraffin: 30min
Paraffin: 30 min
My other thought is that something is up with our VIP 5 processor, though no
error messages are showing up. Any and all suggestions are most welcome.
Thanks in advance,
Kathleen Roberts
Rutgers University
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