[Histonet] QIHC Certification

William Connor will <@t> histologytechservices.com
Mon Aug 4 11:58:44 CDT 2008



I have just sent in my application in for the QIHC exam.  Would anyone out
there kindly recommend to me the best study materials to focus on?  I have
Carson's book and Dako's Immunohistochemical Staining Methods, and am
considering the purchase of Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry by Dabbs.  I do
not work in a hospital setting, but in more of a research setting.  Would
there be anything I might be missing out on in day to day practice which
might be covered on the exam?


Thank you in advance for your responses.


William P. Connor, HT(ASCP)

Senior Histology Technician

Histology Tech Services, Inc.


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