[Histonet] Ventana IHC Staining

Douglas D Deltour doug <@t> ppspath.com
Thu Jan 18 13:46:32 CST 2007

If I recall correctly, Leslie asked for help with the Benchmark. I don't
think that she asked for an opinion and for someone to say that that they
cannot help. Maybe I am mistaken?   

Douglas D. Deltour HT(ASCP)
Histology Supervisor
Professional Pathology Services, PC
One Science Court
Suite 200
Columbia, SC 29203
Fax (803)254-3262
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-----Original Message-----
From: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
[mailto:histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu] On Behalf Of Rene J Buesa
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 1:46 PM
To: Chaussey, Leslie; histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: Re: [Histonet] Ventana IHC Staining

  I suggest you to go to Histonet Archieves and find out about this very
same recurrent problem with the Ventana Benchmark (and a very large and
controversial thread about the likes and dislikes about Ventana).
  I personally do not like closed systems for IHC, I always used and
preferred Dako and cannot help you on this problem. Check the Archieves!
  René J.

"Chaussey, Leslie" <Lchausse <@t> nmh.org> wrote:
  We're noticing some issues with our IHC staining. It's very random but
we've been seeing instances where the positive control tissue stains
fine but the patient tissue doesn't stain at all. In one instance, we
re-ran the stain manually & it worked fine. We generally place patient
tissue on the same slide as the control tissue using the red box control
slides (red box is painted on the back of the slide). We have some ideas
but wanted to check in to see if anyone else using Ventana
Instrumentation (Benchmark XT) has seen that problem as well. Thanks
for any feedback - it's greatly appreciated. 

Leslie J Chaussey

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