[Histonet] BSL precautions for Primate frozen sectioning?
Rene J Buesa
rjbuesa <@t> yahoo.com
Mon Oct 2 14:20:01 CDT 2006
I strongly recommend you to try to find out EXACTLY the conditions of those baboons.
Remember that human AIDS virus is a mutant from a chimpanzee AIDS like virus!
You should not mess around with unknown things after all!
René J.
Kim Kusser <kkusser <@t> trudeauinstitute.org> wrote:
I need a little (or, more than likely, a lot) of advice. I do a lot of
frozen sectioning on mouse tissues. Our facility is only mouse. A
researcher wants to be able to section baboon (uninfected and
unfixed...just OCT embedded) tissue. Our cryostats are BSL2 (lab coats
and gloves).
To the people out there in the know, how do you treat Primate tissue
when it comes to frozen sectioning in Cryostats? Would this procedure be
recommended to all lab personnel without knowledge of their immune
status (i.e. immunocompromised staff)?
Thanks you for any and all help.
Kim Kusser
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