[Histonet] Contaminated Alcohols from VIP processors

Bonner, Janet Janet.Bonner <@t> FLHOSP.ORG
Thu Mar 23 09:34:15 CST 2006

I experienced this problem before and discovered the 95% ETOH was the culprit  ( the 100%s could be white due to the 95% carried over into them).  The company is going to deny this of course, but our supplier later came back to say there was a manufacturing problem that was not picked up on in their QC.  Try another brand before you do anything, or call your supplier to ask if there are any other reported problems.     -Janet


From: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu on behalf of bamoe <@t> gundluth.org
Sent: Wed 3/22/2006 3:58 PM
To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: [Histonet] Contaminated Alcohols from VIP processors

Hello all - 

Has anyone had experience with contaminated alcohols coming off a 
Tissue-Tek VIP processor? 

We have two processors - one is a Miles VIP 3000, purchased in 1993, the 
other is a Sakura VIP E300 purchased in 1996. 
We have started experiencing the problem on both machines. 

Our processing schedule utilizes 2 stations each of formalin, 80% ETOH, 
recycled 95% ETOH, absolute ETOH (pure, not reagent grade), xylene, 3 or 4 
paraffin stations, 1 cleaning xylene, 1 cleaning absolute ETOH. 

The formalins and 80% are not contaminated, however the 95% and absolutes 
show cloudiness when flushed with water down the drain. (We are assuming 
that it's xylene causing this, but have not done analysis to confirm.) 

Preventative maintenance was just done last week on both machines (by our 
in-house biomed personnel) and we still have the cloudiness in the 95% and 
absolute alcohols. 

We have ruled out any problems with our recycler and know that the alcohols 
are clean when they are put on the processor. 

Any comments would be greatly appreciated! 

Barb Moe 
Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center 
La Crosse WI 
bamoe <@t> gundluth.org 

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