[Histonet] Sirius Red Protocol mouse pancreas

Histology SLU sluhisto <@t> yahoo.com
Thu Jun 15 11:52:36 CDT 2006

Hello All:
  I have a dilemma that I hope that someone out there can shed some light on.  We have an investigator that has been working with mouse FFPE pancreas.  We have been doing the processing, embedding, sectioning, and sirius red staining.  Lately, however, we have been getting too much red, more than the collagen is staining.  The staining pattern is everywhere!!  This is a new development and we have tried the following:
  1.  Making new reagents
  2.  Evaluating the processes that the mouse went through prior to necropsy.
  3.  Did a fixation evaluation to make sure that fixation was not an issue.
  4.  Multiple techs performing stain
  We are at a loss to help this investigator and don't want to give up!!  We had performed this stain numerous times in the past for this investigator without any problems. 
  Any help you can send my way would be appreciated by myself as well as the investigator.

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