[Histonet] Disposal of surgical specimens
Janci Wellborn
wellborj <@t> mercyhealth.com
Thu Aug 24 07:18:03 CDT 2006
We separate the formalin from the tissue. The formalin is then neutralized and solidified with product called ISOSORB. The tissue and solid formalin waste is then doubled bagged and disposed of as any other biohazard sample. Our limbs are incinerated by a local mortuary.
Janci Wellborn, HTL, BS, BSeD
Dunes Medical Lab
Dakota Dunes, SD
>>> "Rene J Buesa" <rjbuesa <@t> yahoo.com> 8/23/2006 1:54 PM >>>
We used to separate formalin from the tissue. Formalin was placed in large drums to be hauled away by a company we contracted. The tissues were incinerated at the hospital (something that probably you will not be able to do). Otherwise the tissue should be handled as any other biohazard sample within the lab.
Hope this will help you!
René J.
Linda Stirpe <lpstirpe <@t> yahoo.com> wrote:
I know this subject has been previously discussed but
now it has become an issue at our facility. We are a
small hospital processing about 5,000 surgicals/year.
Currently, we dispose of the specimens with fixative
by placing them in biohazard containers and then
hauled off site. The safety committee now has concerns
that the specimen is a biohazard and the formain is a
hazardous waste and should be separated for disposal
purposes. We are interested in how other hospitals
handle this. Any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you!
Linda Stirpe, HT(ASCP)
Corning Hospital
Corning, NY
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