[Histonet] Immunoflouresence Questions
ana.merino-trigo <@t> wanadoo.fr
Thu Oct 13 14:49:13 CDT 2005
I'm not really an expertise, but in my first postdoc in Australia, I was working in a Cell biology department and we were using Mowiol as mounting medium. We kept the slides in dark at 4ºC, and the fluorescence was the same the day after, than the week after, even I was reviewing slides after one month on the fridge, with no a great difference. However, I was working with cell lines, using as FITC, TxRed, Alexa ... antibodies and I don't really now if tissues fades quicker. Attached the protocol used to prepare Mowiol.
I do want to take the opportunity to say everyone thank you, I'm learning a lot by reading Histonet disccusions. Great work everyone.
Mowiol Mounting Medium pH 8.5
Hopval 5-88 4.8g
glycerol 12.0g
MilliQ H2O 12.0ml
0.2M Tris-HCl pH 8.5 24.0ml
Tris 2.42g Tris base
milliQ H2O 100ml
pH to 8.5 with 6N HCl
. Place glycerol in 50ml disposable blue cap tube
. Add Hopval and stir thoroughly
. Add H2O and leave for 2h at R.T.
. Add tris and incubate at ~53°C until the Hopval has dissolved, stirring occassionally (takes ages)
. clarify by centrifugation at 3500rpm for 30min and aliquot the supernatant into 1ml in 1.5 ml tubes
. store at -20°C, stable at this temp for 12 months
. once defrosted, stable at R.T. for one month
----- Original Message -----
From: Rene J Buesa
To: Nita Searcy ; histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Histonet] Immunoflouresence Questions
You are right, immunofluorescence procedures will fade, and fast; that is the reason behind taking photographs of the results.
You may keep the slides in a refrigerator and will be able to register immunofluorescence again, but WEAKER, the next day.
How long will this fluorescence will remain visible in refrigerated slides depends on the case, but cannot be predicted in general. When the pathologist that is scheduled to read our procedures is not available, we keep the slides for the next day, but that is all; no permanent solution.
There is no media that will retard fading (is something inherent to the FITC conjugated antibody and has nothing to do with the medium.
Probably your clinician "heard" something but evidently does not know the procedural details, or he may know something that neither you or I know.
Rene J.
Nita Searcy <NSEARCY <@t> swmail.sw.org> wrote:
I have a tech that is asking these questions regarding possible "new
procedures". We have a new clinician that has "new" ideas.
1. Does storing slides in refrigerator after staining aid in anyway? (I
had never seen this before ; always stored in dark @ room temperature).
2. IS there a mounting media that aids in permanence?
3. To my knowledge, these slides are not permanent (no matter what you
do) but will inspectors really expect to see them- even in a faded
condition? (we take pictures of the kidneys)
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