[Histonet] Technovit staining

Jorge Tornero jorge.tornero <@t> gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 03:36:59 CDT 2005


do you know a good process for staining with H&E cuts of specimens
embedded in technovit 7100 resin? We usually stain them manually, with
a simple 7.5 minutes of harris hematoxilin bath, followed by rinsing
int tap water for another 7.5 minutes (with lots of agitation, if not,
blue  patches remains even in the glass surface of the slide), 7.5
minutes in eosin and a final rinse in water for 5-7 minutes, but we
have recently adquired an autostainer from leica and we eant to use a
more complex protocol. ¿do you have any good experience?

Thank you

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