[Histonet] IHC protocols for Parvovirus Cat and dog

Greg Dobbin dobbin <@t> upei.ca
Thu Jun 10 08:59:10 CDT 2004

I used to do immunoflourescent staining for CPV and feline 
panleukopenia virus on frozen sections when I worked in a virology 
lab, and they worked fine. I would therefore have expected IHC to 
be possible as well. Are you using formalin fixed tissues? Maybe 
parvo is irreparably damaged by fixation (I seriously doubt it...but) 
Have you looked for protocols for other parvo viruses in other 
species (porcine parvo, aleution disease in minks, human parvo). 
There may be some IHC protocols out there for these that may have 
some helpful information.

You should probably elaborate on "tried everything" if you want 
some specific ideas/recommendations from the Histonet.
Good luck.

From:           	"Lab BioVet AB" <biovetlab <@t> biovet.se>
To:             	"Histonet" <histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu>
Date sent:      	Thu, 10 Jun 2004 15:37:20 +0200
Subject:        	[Histonet] IHC protocols for Parvovirus Cat and dog

> Parvovirus to Canine/Feline
> I need some help to set up an immunohistochemical protocols for Canine/Feline Parvovirus.
>  I have tried everything now and I on my way to give up, so I hope someone can give me some tips and help.
> I have a monoclonal antibody (host mouse) from Acris Antibodies.
> I have try different pretreatment antigen-retrieval methods.
> And different label systems, Envision + and StreptABComplex/HRP Duet kit from DAKO.
> I hope someone can help me
> Regards
> Biovet AB
> Britt-Marie Smedberg
> E-mail: biovetlab <@t> biovet.se
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Greg Dobbin
Pathology Lab
Atlantic Veterinary College, U.P.E.I.
550 University Ave.
Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Canada,  C1A 4P3
Phone: (902)566-0744
Fax: (902)566-0851
Making a living is getting; making a life is giving.

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