[Histonet] fibrin stain
Bryan Llewellyn
bryand <@t> netbistro.com
Sat Jun 5 19:10:33 CDT 2004
The WHO is not actually a method. WHO stands for World Health
Organisation and in the 1970's, or thereabouts, they published a series
of information sheets recommending various histology lab procedures.
The stain is likely one of those, and it may well have been an MSB,
although I don't know for sure. I do remember using their procedure for
barium injection of hearts to get pictures of the blood vessels, though.
If you want to demonstrate fibrin, keratin and mucin I would have
thought Movat's pentachrome or one of its modifications would have been
the most appropriate choice.
Bryan Llewellyn
lpwenk <@t> sbcglobal.net wrote:
> What color is the mucin? If it's baby blue, the stain might be similar to a
> Movat.
> Otherwise, my guess for a fibrin stain would be MSB. It's like a Masson
> trichrome (with fibrin red, collagen blue, muscle red, RBC red, and I
> believe mucin bluish) with Martius yellow dye added to make the RBCs yellow,
> instead of the usual red with most trichromes. That makes it easier to find
> fibrin when it is in clot areas.
> The original MSB used a double nuclear stain - Mayer hematoxylin followed by
> celestin blue. And had somewhat unusual dyes - red being brilliant crystal
> scarlet.
> We've modified it at our hospital. We use Weigert hematoxylin only, instead
> of double blue dyes. Nuclei show up better. Then we use our regular blue and
> red dyes of our Masson trichrome. Along with the Bouin post-mordant. The
> only difference is the additional step of Martius yellow.
> Let me know if you need the MSB procedure.
> Otherwise, I'm waiting on the edge of my seat, to find out what a WHO stain
> is. (And, yes, I did get the Townsend comment.)
> Peggy A. Wenk, HTL(ASCP)SLS
> William Beaumont Hospital
> Royal Oak, MI 48073
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Fred Underwood" <funderwood <@t> mcohio.org>
> To: <histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu>
> Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 2:28 PM
> Subject: [Histonet] fibrin stain
>>TGIF gang.
>>I have a Doc trying to rule out an amniotic fluid embolism. He is
>>looking to demonstrate one or all of the following. Fibrin, keratin,
>>mucin. One of the methods he mentioned was something called "the WHO"
>>method, which utilizes celestine blue. Of course very little procedural
>>information was listed in the article. I assume that Pete Townsend had
>>nothing to do with it. Any information you can offer would be greatly
>>appreciated. Thanks in advance.
>>Fred Underwood
>>Montgomery County Coroner's Office
>>Dayton, OH
>>Histonet mailing list
>>Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
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