[Histonet] Utah Society for Histotechnology's Annual Symposium

Lance Erickson lance.erickson <@t> ihc.com
Thu Jul 8 17:24:25 CDT 2004

The Utah Society for Histotechnology's annual symposium will be held
August 6th and 7th at Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake
City. More information including program overview, exhibitors, and a
complete downloadable program including registration form is available
at www.utahhisto.org by choosing the meeting/events link. Any additional
requests for an electronic program or snail mail version or questions in
general about the program can be sent to me. Thanks

Lance Erickson
Anatomic Pathology
Primary Children's Medical Center
100 N Medical Dr
Salt Lake City, UT 84113
(801) 588-3110

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