[Histonet] thick frozen sections

Alan Bright abright <@t> brightinstruments.com
Mon Nov 17 04:20:40 CST 2003

-Dear Cora,

Your results indicate that the mouse brain is too cold, to rectify
section @ -8 to -12ºC and cool the knife at least 10º colder, if a
specimen temperature control is not fitted achieve this with solid CO2
in contact with the knife. We achieve sections up to 600 microns using
this method with ease.

Best Regards

Alan Bright

Bright Instrument Co.Ltd.
St Margaret's Way
PE29 6EU

Tel No:+44 (0)1480 454528
Fax No:+44 (0)1480 456031
Email: abright <@t> brightinstruments.com
Web Site: www.brightinstruments.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Corazon D. Bucana [mailto:bucana <@t> audumla.mdacc.tmc.edu] 
Sent: 13 November 2003 20:29
To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: [Histonet] thick frozen sections

I would appreciate any suggestions on cutting 100 micron frozen sections
mouse brain for immunohistochemistry.  our sections either crack or show
lot of chatter.


Cora Bucana

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Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu

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