[Histonet] p17 mice brain sections

Alonso Martínez Canabal acanabal at ciencias.unam.mx
Tue Sep 19 20:07:04 CDT 2023

   Have a great afternoon. I have done HAR with citrate buffer (pH 6.0)
with tween, basically all my professional life of some 15 years. Several
publications, using mice brain sections 40-50 microns thickness from
cryostat (30% sucrose). Today I tried to do some p17 brain sections and the
sections did not only fell off, but were completely destroyed.
      That never happened to me, I am wonder if anyone can have any idea of
what happened?

Thank you so much

Dr. Alonso Martínez Canabal PhD
Profesor Asociado "C"
Departamento de Biología Celular, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM
Investigador Nacional "I"

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