[Histonet] stored in 80% isopropanol

Hobbs, Carl carl.hobbs at kcl.ac.uk
Thu Jun 4 12:59:20 CDT 2020

If you have a processer using IMS ( or the more expensive ethanol)
take tissues from that 80% IPA ( iso Propyl alcohol) to a fresh 80% IMS/ethanol, whichever you use as std and continue as normal 
( you have no idea if the specimens were taken from water/PFA directly into 80% IPA? Thus there will be more than 20% water in there....)
IMS/IPA/EtOH are all compatible for Pwax processing, where a std clearing agent is used ( eg: Xylene, Histoclear)
Sure, you can as suggested use increasing concs IPA and go directly into wax, bypassing the "clearing" stage but, imho longer Pwax times are needed as IPA is not miscible in Pwax unless at the high temp used.....no big deal.
I have used this method in the past, with success
Tho I have to admit that I still for my sins, find that IMS then Xylene gives the best final Pwax block!
If others disagree, I'd be grateful to know what their safer equally as good clearing agent alternatives are and the cost/block compared with using xylene.

Best wishes

Carl Hobbs FIBMS
Histology and Imaging Manager
Wolfson CARD
Guys Campus, London Bridge 
Kings College London

020 7848 6813

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