[Histonet] Histology text book "bibles"

Hobbs, Carl carl.hobbs at kcl.ac.uk
Thu Jul 9 13:28:54 CDT 2020

Good to read of others' xp
I remember the Armed Forces book...good in parts, unlike the Curate's egg!
Disbrey and Rack...wonderfully refreshing.
Exceedingly well-informed person was Brenda!
I reckon she swung the panel in my favour for a Histology Manager job.....YEARS ago!
 Imho the forerunner of the best: Kiernan 
Sure, neck and neck with Bancroft and Stevens....both game-changers
Pearce...wonderfully instructive yet....dense?
What about the 70's "bible"...I forget the English author......dash it!
His surname begins with a C?
The book was THE text at that time ( in UK)...however, I found it rather didactic....no depth
I could be wrong, of course!
I did learn a lot from it...then found it lacing in depth...thirst for Histo teck knowledge, chuckle
It gave me a seminal Taster for more, however.
Met him at many London Histology discussion meetings...at one of which he dismisssed me for using DPX mountant
( cheaper for my lab/quickersetting...close RI , I recall?)
Harrumph, he said....use natural resin: Canada balsam!
Much closer RI....hmm
What does Prof. Kiernan think re DPX v Canada balsam??
Luverly smell..tho (  C.balsam)
Does anyone use CBalsam still?
sure, Harry Cook has a special place in my Histology career...such a humble yet...knowledgeable person.
He opened up my mind to things Histological...his depth and breadth of things Histological was...humbling and mesmeric.
His Carbohydrate booklet was so good for me, when I needed it!


Carl Hobbs FIBMS
Histology and Imaging Manager
Wolfson CARD
Guys Campus, London Bridge 
Kings College London

020 7848 6813

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