[Histonet] Mallory-Azan stain

Bob Richmond rsrichmond at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 12:24:07 CDT 2019

Betsy Molinari HT, ASCP at the Texas Heart Institute in Houston asks:

>>I have a researcher that wants to stain Purkinje fibers and has requested
a Mallory-Azan stain. I have no experience with this stain. I have looked
online for information but am reaching out to you for personal advice.<<

Well, I'm 80 years old and have never seen a Mallory-Heidenhain azan stain
- it was something you read about in old books when I was young. I have a
fair collection of old books, and found a method in Ann Preece's venerable
_A Manual for Histologic Technicians_, 3rd ed, 1972. I can scan it for you
if nobody else sends you one.

The stain requires aniline ("aniline oil"), which I don't think you're
allowed to handle any more - it's a significant hazmat.

Your researcher is probably using a very old reference, and needs to be
brought into the 21st century.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Maryville TN

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