[Histonet] How to prevent bubbling in pressure cooker for immunohistochemistry procedure

Hobbs, Carl carl.hobbs at kcl.ac.uk
Fri Oct 18 12:58:12 CDT 2019

Hi Subash
Imho your sections are not sufficiently adherent to the slide(s)
It is not M/W "bubbling" that causes your problem
If you use Superfrost Plus/lab-coated Silane or even double subbed slides ( thanks Ole!) AND dry your sections onto the slides efficiently, you will not get section-loss.
NB: SF+ are expensive: if you cannot afford them....experiment with in-house Silane ( APES) or subbing, to coat your IHC slides.
If you use the latter methods, make sure you slides are very clean.
Unless the tissue is very fibrous/bone/cartilage/severely inflamed....difficult to keep sections adherent.
In the latter case, Trajan 3 series can help much more than std coated slides.
What tissues are causing you problems?
For most soft tissues I use Superfrost Plus slides, dry the mounted sections under a fan O/N ( at least one hour)
For my peace of mind I then put the slides into a 60C oven for 30-60 mins before dewaxing.
Please post your opinion/results so far?
Best wishes

Carl Hobbs FIBMS
Histology and Imaging Manager
Wolfson CARD
Guys Campus, London Bridge
Kings College London

020 7848 6813

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