[Histonet] Modified Movat's Pentachrome stain

Angela Lamberth alamberth at lji.org
Thu Sep 1 09:58:32 CDT 2016

Thank you for the suggestion. I'll ask around when I reconnect with people
at Long Beach this month.

On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 7:47 AM, Rene J Buesa <rjbuesa at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Do you have any contacts at any old histology lab, i.e., one that has been
> in operation for more than 50 years? You may find there iodine crystals and
> ask for a few grams. I used to have a 500 g bottle at my lab (which began
> in 1947).
> René
> On Thursday, September 1, 2016 10:39 AM, Angela Lamberth <
> alamberth at lji.org> wrote:
> I would prefer to not substitute anything yet the procedure calls for a
> minimum of 2 grams of iodine which I simply cannot buy in the United States
> thanks to new DEA regulations.
> On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 7:21 AM, Rene J Buesa <rjbuesa at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Once you start substituting things in an original recipe, the outcome
> cannot be expected to be what the original recipe was supposed to deliver.
> Iodine crystals cannot be substituted by Lugol because, besides the iodine
> also contains its salts. and alcohol. They are two completely different
> things. This is the same as using Harris hematoxylin without mercury, you
> can keep calling it Harris, but it no longer will stain the same. Finally I
> do not see any advantages of Movat's pentachrome over a good Masson. Just
> my opinion but I think you are embarking in a complex process with little
> chance of finishing with the expected results.
> René
> On Wednesday, August 31, 2016 9:53 PM, Angela Lamberth via Histonet <
> mailto:histonet at lists.utsouthwestern.edu
> <histonet at lists.utsouthwestern.edu>> wrote:
> Hi Histonetters!
> I’m gearing up to perform a pentachrome stain. I will be making this in
> house and not using a kit. Through searching histonet, I’ve found a
> protocol used by the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Pathology Core.
> http://pathcore.research.chop.edu/docs/MovatPentachromeStain.pdf
> Two things:  Iodine crystals are out of the question. Can I replace that
> with Lugol’s iodine solution or should I just substitute Weigert’s for the
> hematoxylin in this protocol?
> Also, saffron vs tartrazine vs Orange G stain.  There is a real difference
> in price. Does anybody have a personal preference in terms of quality or
> aesthetics? Is paying the extra money for saffron really worth it?
> Thanks!
> Angela
> --
> Angela Lamberth
> Histology Technician II
> Histology Core Lab
> La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology
> 9420 Athena Circle
> La Jolla, CA 92037
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> --
> Angela Lamberth
> Histology Technician II
> Histology Core Lab
> La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology
> 9420 Athena Circle
> La Jolla, CA 92037

Angela Lamberth
Histology Technician II
Histology Core Lab
La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology
9420 Athena Circle
La Jolla, CA 92037

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