[Histonet] IF Follicular Dendritic Cells

Winek, Katarzyna katarzyna.Winek at charite.de
Wed Oct 19 09:25:23 CDT 2016


I am trying to establish IF with cryosections (acetone fixed) from mouse spleen with FDC-M1 antibody from BD (551320). Can anyone recommend a good protocol? I have not been successful until now. Shall I switch to IHC?


Katarzyna Winek * Doktorandin
Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie
Abteilung für Experimentelle Neurologie
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin
Tel: 030 - 450 560 149
Fax: 030 - 450 560 915
katarzyna.winek at charite.de<mailto:katarzyna.winek at charite.de>

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