[Histonet] Poor Staining

Debra Siena DSiena at statlab.com
Thu Jun 16 14:29:03 CDT 2016

Hi Charles 

Getting three shades of pink depends a kit on your dehydration steps after eosin.  Eosin is more soluble in water than alcohol so you have to watch how much water is being absorbed from the atmosphere and change/rotate alcohols when you see the last absolute turning pink, also if you have diluted alcohol after eosin you may wish to cut down or remove. I don't use a diluted alcohol at all just straight absolute alcohol. I recommend 3-4 changes of absolute alcohol for 1 minute each. 

For nuclear detail that could be caused by over processing and removing the bound water, If this is an occasional occurrence but if happening in all tissues large and small, It may also be that your hematoxylin and acid rinse need some type of adjustment. 

If I can help you offline please let me know.  Thanks

Debbie Siena, HT(ASCP)QIHC

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 16, 2016, at 1:20 PM, Charles Riley via Histonet <histonet at lists.utsouthwestern.edu> wrote:
> Can over processing small biopsies lead to poor chromatin staining? Also
> can this cause an issue with the eosin staining ( for example only getting
> to shades of pink instead of three)?
> Please give me any feedback you can
> -- 
> Charles Riley HT(ASCP)CM
> Histopathology Coordinator/ Mohs
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