[Histonet] Hourly wage for trainee in CA

Bryan Szpunar bszpunar at umail.iu.edu
Sat Nov 28 18:36:46 CST 2015

Hi Akemi,
I am not in California, but if I were hiring for a *certified *HT/HTL in
your region I would think you are a little low at $20/hr. Check out the
most recent ASCP wage survey for some reference.
Since you said you are hiring as a training position I think I feel pretty
comfortable with your offer.


> Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2015 08:07:34 -0800
> From: Eileen Akemi Allison <akemiat3377 at gmail.com>
> To: Histonet <Histonet at lists.utsouthwestern.edu>
> Subject: [Histonet] Hourly wage for trainee in CA
> Message-ID: <9509ADC7-6421-45C0-B3EB-E77E8BEE3B50 at gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=us-ascii
> Hello all my histology friends in California:
> 1st I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I would like to know what
> the hourly rate of a new histologist with a HT certification is making. I
> would very much appreciate this information.  We are offering a training
> position to a local individual who doesn't have a degree, HT or HTL
> certification, or recent experience (last worked in histology in 1991). I
> want to see if our offer of $20.00 an hour plus benefit's was out of line.
> I would prefer to have a certified HT, but no one has answered our ads.
> Best regards,
> Akemi Allison BS, HT/HTL (ASCP)
> Pathology Manager
> Monterey Bay GI Consultants Laboratory
> 23 Upper Ragsdale Drive, Suite 200
> Monterey, CA 93940
> W: Email: aallison at montereygi.com <mailto:aallison at montereygi.com>
> H: Email: akemiat3377 at gmail.com <mailto:akemiat3377 at gmail.com>
> Tele: (831) 375-3577 X117

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