[Histonet] Histology Lab Survey Questions

Va Paula Sicurello vapatpxs at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 14 10:39:04 CST 2015

Hello Netters,
Thank you for taking my survey.  I will use your replies for my research project and I will also let everyone on the list know the results as well.
>From what I've found, the surveys performed in the past asked similar questions but more at the institution level.  I would like to get information at the individual level.  There are 16 questions.
Please reply to this email offline with your answers.
Thank you for helping me.  Let's hope I get an A! :-)
Here we go:Questions aboutyou:

1.     Education (highest achieved):

a.      High school

b.     Associates degree

c.      Bachelor’s degree

d.     Master’s degree

e.      PhD or MD

2.     Certification:

a.      None

b.     HT

c.      HTL

d.     Other, please describe

3.     How did you learn histology?

a.      On the job

b.     Histotechnology school

4.     How many years of experience in histology?

5.     How many blocks can you embed in an hour?

6.     How many of the following can you produce in an 8 hourday?                                               (You can calculate from howmany of each task you can perform in one hour: 20 blocks with one slide each per hour = 160 blocks and 160 slides)

a.      Blocks

b.     Slides

Questions aboutyour place of work:

7.     How many blocks does your lab embed a day?

8.     How many staff does your lab have?

a.      Technical (HT, HTL, etc.)

b.     Non-technical (lab assistants, etc.)

9.     How is IHC handled in your lab?  

a. Separate staff (if so how many?) 

b. All staff perform

10.  Howmany IHC slides does your lab stain per day?

11.  Howmany of the following can your lab run?

a.      Antibodies (total number available for testing)

b.     Special Stains (total number available for testing)

12.  Doesyour lab use automation?  Yes or No

Ifyes, please describe:

13.  Whoprepares the slides prior to release to the pathologist?

14.  Whofiles the blocks and slides?

15.  Whattype of institution do you work at?

a.      Hospital based Histology lab

b.     Clinic based Histology lab

c.      Independent lab (such as a referral lab)

16.  BonusQuestion:  Has your family stopped askingwhy you come home with blue or pink-orange fingers?

                OPTIONAL: Please add your comments, suggestions,or thoughts.
Paula SicurelloHistotechnology SpecialistUC San Diego Health

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