[Histonet] Guinea Pig Inner Ear

Michelle Aono aonomic <@t> auburn.edu
Thu Mar 12 13:39:35 CDT 2015

Hello Histonet!  I am renewing my search for guinea pig inner ear slides to replace the old Turtox ones for our histo class.   Does anyone know where I might acquire guinea pig inner ear slides?  Or if I could get them as fixed, decalcified, embedded blocks, ready for sectioning?  Or if you have guinea pig inner ears I could have...  If you have ever sectioned inner ear I would love to hear from you!  Orientation seems to be critical and the one attempt we did on dog IE was a miserable failure.   Thanks for any and all help!

Michelle (Shelly) Aono
Research Associate II
107B/124 Greene Hall
Auburn University, Dept of APP
Auburn, AL 36849
(334) 844-5594

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