[Histonet] ISH preparation

Jennifer.Johnson <@t> genzyme.com Jennifer.Johnson <@t> genzyme.com
Mon Jun 23 13:06:55 CDT 2014

Hi Folks!
I was hoping to get a little input about preparing samples for ISH.
We currently RNAse-away our tools at the time of collection, toss the tissues into formalin, process normally and then cut them using RNAse away cleaned microtomes/forceps on a bath of DEPC treated water (in a cleaned water bath).

How do other labs prepare paraffin embedded samples?

Do you use special reagents - formalin?  Do you clean the processor and use treated reagents there too?  Do you wash the slides in DEPC treated water?

I am trying to figure out how far we need to go here.  We are a high throughput lab and we deal with all kinds of tissues and I don't want to have to take down a processor and keep it RNAse free if I don't have to!   I will run the experiments and test different methods, but I was hoping some of you could share your wisdom and give me a place to start.

Jennifer Johnson
Staff Scientist
Genzyme Corp.
Department of Pathology
5 Mountain Road
Framingham, MA 01701-9322
Phn - 508-271-3610
Fax - 508-872-9080

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