[Histonet] RE: warthin starry problems

Campbell, Tasha M. tmcampbell <@t> fmh.org
Tue Jan 14 10:14:15 CST 2014

Im sorry Linda!  I got myselft added and posted it and I have already
had feedback!   Thank you though.





Tasha Campbell, B.S.,HTL(ASCP)

Frederick Gastroenterology Associates

310 W. 9th St.

Frederick, MD 21701

301-695-6800 ext. 144 (w)

304-685-9307 (c)


From: Linda Margraf [mailto:Linda.Margraf <@t> cookchildrens.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 11:12 AM
To: 'histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu'
Cc: Campbell, Tasha M.
Subject: warthin starry problems


Dear Histonetters:


Here is a message I am posting from Tasha...she hasn't yet joined the
list but is eager for answers to her question. I will forward answers to
her or you can send  them directly to her at 

tmcampbell <@t> fmh.org



"I need help with warthin starry stain please.  I am a very small lab
trying to save money so I want to make the reagents myself.  I have
sigma Aldrich dry reagents and have been making the reagents and
following the instructions correctly and I did get the stain to work
wonderfully when I first started.  Then suddenly it quit working and I
cannot get it to work again.  I have made fresh reagents day after day
and I have a pH of 3.8 for the acidulated water.  I am getting very
frustrated and need some help please."



Linda M

Histonet administrator 




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