[Histonet] Parts for Sakura Tissue-Tek GLC 550 glass coverslipper

richard wild richard.wild <@t> wanadoo.fr
Thu Dec 18 00:34:04 CST 2014

Hello all,

Sakura (Tissue-Tek) GLC 550 glass coverslipper and CR 10030 DAKO 
coverslipper are almost the same.
But the slide baskets are not compatible because of some small differences.
I have both.

I am using mostly sakura stainers.
So, I need to transform the CR 10030 DAKO coverslipper to accept the 
Sakura baskets - it is possible :
__I am looking for some small "used" parts of a Sakura (Tissue-Tek) GLC 
550 glass coverslipper._ Can someone help ?

Another solution would be to find_adapters for Sakura stainer type 
DRS2000 or DRS601 to use the DAKO slide basket_ (the one that fits CR 
10030 DAKO coverslipper) - I dont know it these exist.

Do you know about these adapters ?
Do you have any ?

Best regards


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