[Histonet] RE: Tissue falling off

Terri Braud tbraud <@t> holyredeemer.com
Fri Aug 15 12:52:09 CDT 2014

Hi - Just a couple of suggestions -
I've seen this periodically crop up during the years.  There are a
couple of things to consider:
Water baths are completely clean - after dumpling water and removing
paraffin debris with whatever you use - wipe out the bath with clean
absolute alcohol.
Be careful where you spray - make sure that if you use anything like
Paraguard, or similar stuff that keeps paraffin from sticking, that it
is used sparingly, or preferably, not at all.  We had a situation where
we had a trial sample that someone was using to clean her microtome and
forceps and the stuff got everywhere and tissues started falling off.
Your water in the waterbaths is clean - Fresh DI water.  Once we had a
contaminant in our DI water, and the patient tissues slid right off our
slides.  We use clean slides, good quality water and super clean
Is your heater up and running? - Our slides are stained on a stainer
with built in slide dryers.  We used to have a problem with the first
rack of patient slides' tissue falling off because the slide dryer was
not hot enough for our short dry cycle.  We now send a rack through
first, which turns on the heaters, then load the patient rack.
Hope this gives you a few ideas
Terri L. Braud, HT(ASCP)
Anatomic Pathology Supervisor
Holy Redeemer Hospital Laboratory
1648 Huntingdon Pike
Meadowbrook, PA 19046
Ph: 215-938-3676
Fax: 215-938-3874

   7. tissue falling off slides (Burnett, Brandy)   
From: "Burnett, Brandy" <bburnett <@t> CapeCodHealth.org>
Subject: [Histonet] tissue falling off slides

Our lab has encountered an issue with tissue falling off of the slides.
It is mostly the patient tissue
that is falling off. Some of the Techs are using control slides that
have been pre-cut and I am wondering
if this might be part of the problem. Any information would be very much
Thanks Again,
Brandy Burnett, HTL



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