[Histonet] GI biopsy H&E staining
Annie T. Walton
AWalton <@t> oima.org
Fri May 10 13:02:30 CDT 2013
Hello all,
Our Medical Director would like the goblet cells on our GI biopsies to stain a darker blue. I hand stain using the following protocol:
* Xylene, 3 changes 3 minutes each
* 100% Alcohol, 2 changes 1 minute each
* 95% Alcohol 1 minute
* Tap water rinse until water runs off evenly
* Harris Hematoxylin 5 minutes
* Water wash rinse until water runs clear
* Clarifier 2 5 seconds
* Running water 30 seconds
* Bluing Solution 1 minute
* Tap water rinse well
* 95% Alcohol 30 seconds
* Eosin Y 1 minute
* 100% Alcohol, 2 changes 30 seconds
* 100% Alcohol, 2 changes 1 minute each
* Xylene, 3 changes 1 minute each
I have recently increased the hematoxylin time from 4 to 5 minutes and decreased the time in clarifier from 25 to 5 seconds so the hematoxylin doesn't get washed out as much, but it is not good enough. I also switched from 70% alcohol to 95% before eosin and increased the time in eosin from 45 seconds to 1 minute to provide a greater contrast in hopes that that would work, but the goblet cells are still not staining dark enough. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated!
Annie Walton, HTL (ASCP)
Histology Technician
Overlake Internal Medicine Associates Histology Lab
awalton <@t> oima.org
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