[Histonet] Block retention?

JMaslanka <@t> stpetes.org JMaslanka <@t> stpetes.org
Thu Jan 10 11:21:45 CST 2013

I searched for retention policies and found what seems to be an 8 year 
difference in keeping blocks. How long do you retain your blocks?

CDC website CLIA
Sec. 493.1105  Standard: Retention requirements

    (7) Slide, block, and tissue retention--
    (i) Slides.
    (ii) Blocks. Retain pathology specimen blocks for at least 2 years 
from the date of examination.

CAP website states using CLIA as guide

Surgical Pathology (including bone marrows)
Wet tissue 
2 weeks after final report
Paraffin blocks 
10 years
10 years
10 years

Joe Maslanka BS, CT,HT (ASCP)
Anatomical Pathology Technical Supervisor
St Peter's Hospital,MT 59601
(P)(406) 447-2406

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"Kindness is the language the blind can see & the deaf can hear- Mark 

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