[Histonet] staining site of bone deposition on live specimens

Christopher Sheil csheil <@t> jcu.edu
Thu Jan 3 13:23:17 CST 2013

      I study the timing of formation/ossification of skeletal  
elements in various vertebrate groups; currently I am working with  
Xenopus laevis.  Most all of my work has described ossification  
sequences for cranial elements by documenting which elements are  
present at various stages of development.  I would like to address  
issues of intraspecific variation in timing of ossification, so here  
is my question:

Are there any dyes or stains that can be administered to live aquatic  
amphibians and that will bind to bone at the site of deposition of the  
mineral matrix?  The trick is that I would like to apply this dye/ 
stain at regular intervals, so it must be possible to apply them  
without killing the animal---visualization of the sites of deposition  
will be conducted after the study is completed (at which point I will  
euthanize the treated tadpoles).

I greatly appreciate any help with this issue.


Christopher Sheil
Graduate Coordinator
Department of Biology
John Carroll University
20700 North Park Boulevard
University Heights, OH  44118
Email: csheil <@t> jcu.edu
Phone: 216.397.3088

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