[Histonet] Re: Formalin Fixation issues

Bob Richmond rsrichmond <@t> gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 12:25:05 CDT 2012

Jill Cox asks: >>Is anyone having problems with breast fixation prior
to processing in formalin? For a couple of months now our breast
specimens aren't fixing very well before gross. Our pathologist thinks
they have changed something in the formalin itself. We utilize 15/1
ratio and in some cases let fix over the weekend. This has only been
happening over the last couple of months and can't seem to figure this
out. Any advice or similar problems, would love to hear from you.<<

Breast specimens shouldn't be expected to fix before they're grossed,
or at least before they've been cut into thin slices. Delaying
fixation compromises immunostaining, to say nothing of H & E. They
should be grossed as promptly as possible after they're received, and
should never sit over the weekend without dissection.

I seriously doubt that anything in the formalin has changed. It's your
technique that needs to change. Unfortunately, this is a difficult
task to delegate.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN

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