[Histonet] Cutting on an interview
joelle weaver
joelleweaver <@t> hotmail.com
Fri Jan 27 13:14:07 CST 2012
Thank you for sharing this link/information. I thought earlier in this thread to mention the cost factor in recruitment, hiring process, but felt it best NOT to stir this pot further after a quite lengthy response that was posted arguing against this practice. So I figured there would be some strong opionions, but just being practical, and from an organizational perspective, QUITE astronomical in terms of resources time, money, energy (to name a few). And not a good experience either for the hiree to be put into a job or culture that just doesn't suit them, so I agree you want to get it "right" whenever possible, using as many critieria as possible ( yet still remaining legal!). I continue to view a skill demonstration for any key technical duties as being similar to a typing test for wpm as used for clerical/administrative roles.
But that is how I view it, and never minded being asked to perform on interviews, or even take any kind of test such as an aptitude, personality or technical knowledge type test, or answer open ended questions that demonstrated that I could think and problem-solve. I figure it is a good sign if the organization is that thorough in their hiring, it certainly shows that they will not consider just anyone, and that they have a firm grasp of who they are, what their expectations are etc... And I have alot of information right then from the interview if I have the knowledge/skills/personality to make this a good position for me. I'd rather know ahead of time than go through the new job stress, not meet the standards/expectations and have the experience of a probationary period with a poor outcome.
Joelle Weaver MAOM, (HTL) ASCP
> Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 10:52:55 -0800
> From: tkngflght <@t> yahoo.com
> To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
> Subject: [Histonet] Cutting on an interview
> A comment on why we have techs cut on an interview-
> How do you pick the BEST fit in the 60 minute interview? The more information you gather, the more likely you'll hire the best fit. Most of human communication is non-verbal. Watching a potential new hire gives you SO MUCH non-verbal information in addition to validating that they know their way around a microtome.
> The cost of mis-hiring is ASTRONOMICAL. 40% of companies polled say a bad hire costs over $25000. One in four polled estimated the cost closer to $50000. Would you really want your Aunt Minnie's GI biopsy cut by someone who COULDN'T cut a few blocks under a little new-interview pressure?
> An authoritative article on just this kind of interview can be read at www.fullstaff.org (A Histology Blog).
> It's from Career Builders and gives a lot of impirical data to the value of gathering the most information before making that hiring decision...we'd love some feedback on the post.
> Cheryl
> Cheryl Kerry, HT(ASCP)
> Full Staff Inc.
> Staffing the AP Lab by helping one GREAT Tech at a time.
> 281.852.9457 Office
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