[Histonet] Reg: Acidified and Nonacidified Harris Hematoxylin - Adv & Disadv

Arun Jyothi S.P arunjyothisp <@t> gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 06:06:20 CST 2012

Dear Histonet experts,

Can you please tell me what are the advantages and disadvantages of both
acidified and non acidified Harris hematoxylin.
We are a new lab and in the process of ordering and standardising things.
It will be a great help if someone let us know us which one we should order
and what are the benefits reg the hematoxylin.
It will be more helpful if i can find out which one preferred the most by
the pathologists.

With regards

United Laboratories Co. <http://www.unitedlabs.com.kw/>

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