[Histonet] Luciferase

James Hart jameshart77 <@t> gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 11:26:54 CDT 2011

Question: Can you stain Luciferase in tissues?
Answer: Yes, but the background noise is hell!

On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 12:23 PM, Tom Wells <Tom_Wells <@t> bcit.ca> wrote:

> Question: Can you stain Luciferase in tissues?
> Answer: Yes, but it's devilishly hard to do.
> Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
> Tom
> Tom Wells BSc, ART
> Faculty
> School of Medical Laboratory Sciences
> British Columbia Institute of Technology
> Burnaby, BC
> Canada
> Phone: 604-412-7594
> Cell: 778-228-4102
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