[Histonet] blades

Sean McBride smcbride <@t> andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Jun 24 16:16:06 CDT 2011


I put ours in a 15 mL centrifuge tube with a cap & sit it on the base of the microtome for the next use, that way, no one gets cut & the blade is able to be used to the fullest of it's potential.  :-)

Best regards,

~Sean McBride

Scientific Specialist
Bone Tissue Engineering Center
Carnegie Mellon Research Institute
Suite 4311
700 Technology Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-3124

412-268-8275 (o)
412-915-1683 (m)
412-268-8275 (fax)
smcbride <@t> andrew.cmu.edu 

On Jun 24, 2011, at 4:53 PM, Webb, Dorothy L wrote:

> Trying to clean up some things hanging out there in our lab and wondering what everyone does with a blade that has been used minimally and tech done for the day with the microtome.  Where do you store that blade for use tomorrow or do you toss and not worry about the cost involved?  I do not like them sitting on top of the microtome.  Any good ideas??  Thanks, as always!
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