[Histonet] power outages for processors

madary <@t> verizon.net madary <@t> verizon.net
Wed Apr 27 16:53:46 CDT 2011

   here are usually UPS(uninterrupted Power suppy) batteries available f   or just a couple of hundered dollars. The unit plugs into the wall and
   the    Nick(Rocky) Mad   Joni Madary, PhD(in life)
   Apr 25, 2011 12:0
     Send Histonet     histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
     To     http://lists.uts     or, via email, send a message      histonet-request <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu     You can reach the person managing the list at
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     <     1. Histotech position in Irving, Texas (Gloria Co     2. RE: Processors and power outages (Amber McKenzie)
     3. FDA appro     4. Happy National Medical Laboratory Pro     (Brian- Prometheus)
     ------------------------     ----------------------------------------------
     Message: 1
     Date: S     From: Gloria Cole Subject: [Histonet] Histotech position in Irving,
     To: histonet <@t> l     Message-ID: <55D857E3-9B4D-4278-9568-E1836A8C     Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
     Hel     Just  wanted  to let everyone know I have one and may have another     Histotech/  Grossing  tech  position  open in our GI lab in Irving,
     Texas.  The     day shift. If you a     contact me for more details.     Thanks,
     Gloria Cole
     BS HT (ASCP)
     NuePath Supervisor
     gcole <@t> nueterrapathology.com
     -------------------     Message: 2
     Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 08:13:07 -0500
     F     Subject: RE: [Hist     To: "Heather R" ,<     Message-ID:
     <03C921A1EAF7F5     Content-Type: text/plain     Back-up battery
     -----Original Messag     From:  histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu [mailto:histonet-     bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu] On Behalf Of Heather R
     Sent: Saturday,     To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
     Subject     Wondering  what  the  labs  wh     doing  with  thier  processors for pow     lab  and want to address this issue.
     Th     H.
     Histonet m     Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
     http://lists.utsouthwes     -------------------------     Message: 3
     Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 09:02:10 -0500
     From: "     Subject: [Histonet] FDA approved I     To: "histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu"
     <24A4826E8EF0964D86BC5317306F58A55D     F526D86C <@t> mmc-mail.ad.mhsil.com>
     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="     Question  -  I am trying to figure why we should switch to a     approved  IVD  antibody  for Cd117 from the current IVD antibody we
     use       are  not  FDA  app     have to do if an antibody is     questioned about the true advantage      The  cost of course for an FDA approved antibody     in  comparison to other IVD antibodies that are not FDA a     (as much as five times as much). In this case I am trying to figur     e out what is so special about Cd117.
     If someone could enlighten me      Jim
     James Vickroy BS, HT(ASCP)
     Surgical and Autopsy Pathology Technical Supervisor
     Memorial Medic     217-788-4046
     Th     information  in     is  protected  by law. If y     should   delete   this  message.  Any  disc     distribution  of  this message, or the taking of any acti     on it, is strictly prohibited.
     ------------------------     Message: 4
     Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 10:50:39 -0400
     From:      Subject:    [Histonet]     Professionals
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     National     celebration of
     the  m     vital role
     i     from April<     NMLPW  is  a chance for medica     their
     professionalism  and be recogni     use this
     time  to  inform  and  educate  m     about the
     medical laboratory. It's esti     that  up to 70 percent of medical decisions are made based on t     test
     results generated by these highly-skilled professionals.
          Thanks   to   the  265,000  medical  laboratory  professionals  and
     15,000board-certified  Pathologists  who play a vital role in every
     aspect of hea     care!!!
     Happy Lab Professionals Week!
          Prometheus Healthcare (
     www.prometheushealthcare.com)  is committed to connecting dedicated
          Prometheus Healthcare
     Office 301-693-90     Cell 301-605-5450
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