[Histonet] Two Questions
Katelin Lester
katelin09htl <@t> gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 09:28:15 CDT 2011
Hi Nicole,
You must get a microscope. Spend $600, get a teaching binocular one. You
absolutely can not have a histology lab without a microscope. You must be
able to check the quality of your staining and cutting.
That being said, the lab that does the PC component should also do QC on
your slides. If there are major issues they should address them right away,
otherwise, you can set up a QC Form that they fill out quarterly to assure
your slides are meeting their standards.
Katelin Lester, HTL
MedSurg Pathology Associates, Inc.
(503) 443-2157
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 7:12 AM, Nicole Tatum <nicole <@t> dlcjax.com> wrote:
> 1st. Does anyone know if there is a rule or law that states a lab must
> have a door?
> 2nd Does anyone know how a TC only lab would do profiency testing on
> H&E slides. They do not have physician on staff and no microscope. Does
> the company that is reading PC lab do profiency testing on the QC slides
> and share results with the TC side?
> Any thoughts would be appreciated.
> Nicole Tatum HT, ASCP
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