[Histonet] Frozen Section TAT

BSullivan <@t> shorememorial.org BSullivan <@t> shorememorial.org
Wed Nov 3 06:20:45 CDT 2010

 Yes you do have your hands full. We also do multiple parts on skins,
nodes, etc. etc. It is stated on the QC sheet and as part of our procedure
that it is based on the initial frozen. If there is an outlier because of
multiple parts that is stated as the justification for the lapse in

Beatrice Sullivan, HT(A.S.C.P.) HTL , AAS, CLSP(N.C.A.)
AP Supervisor
Shore Memorial Hospital

             <suetp918 <@t> comcast                                             
             .net>                                                      To 
                                       BSullivan <@t> shorememorial.org         
             11/02/2010 08:08                                           cc 
             PM                        histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu,  
                                       histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthweste 
                                       rn.edu, Allison D Scott             
                                       <Allison_Scott <@t> hchd.tmc.edu>        
                                       Re: [Histonet] Frozen Section TAT   

I like Beatrice's method but I think it would only work in a small setting
where you are not
getting multiple frozens at one time as well as frozens that have 30 or 40
parts or working
with multiple pathologists.

Susan T. Paturzo

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