[Histonet] Re: retention of prosthetic valves
Robert Richmond
rsrichmond <@t> gmail.com
Wed Mar 31 14:10:17 CDT 2010
Anne Marie (where? Perhaps in Canada, which is going to have different
rules from the USA) >>was wondering what your hospital/centre's
pathology policies indicate in terms of the time you retain prosthetic
valve specimens? Months? Years?<<
I don't know of any specific policies. I've had a Carbomedics aortic
valve prosthesis now for 8 years. In 2005 a colleague of mine did an
autopsy on a man who had one (and died of unrelated causes), and I
took the opportunity to call Carbomedics to ask them if they wanted
the valve, and if they'd want mine when the time comes.
I was pleased to find out that they don't want them back, because
they're working just fine.
Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN
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