[Histonet] 2010 Tri-State Symposium

Mitchell Jean A JMitchell <@t> uwhealth.org
Mon Mar 15 18:01:53 CDT 2010

Dear Histonetters:  You are invited to join the histology societies of
Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin as they host the 2010 Tri-State Symposium,
April 28-30, at The West Des Moines Marriott Hotel, West Des Moines,
For program & registration information visit our websites or contact the
following representatives: 

Iowa:  Judi Stasko (judith.stasko <@t> ars.usda.gov)

Minnesota:  www.mnshonline.com Lois Rowe (rowe.lois <@t> mayo.edu)

Wisconsin:  www.wistology.org  Kathy Ellefson (kmellefson <@t> gmail.com)


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