[Histonet] spinal cord paraffin embedding

Elisa Ballarini e.ballarini1 <@t> campus.unimib.it
Mon Mar 15 09:05:50 CDT 2010

   Dear all,
   I'm quite new in morphological analysis and Histology.
   In  my  l   blue staining.
   First   we   fix   the   spinal  cord  (only  lumbar  portion)  in  4%
   parafolmaldehyde  (4h)    paraffin  using  a authomatic Leica ASP300 machine. When observed, the
   white  matter  of the spinal cord is full of holes and myelin seems to
   be absent.
   I  guess the problem was related to the processing steps   the machine, in particular the Xylol step.
   Is  there someone who can help me sharing his/her experience on spinal
   cord process   Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
   Dott.ssa Elisa Ballarini,PhD student
   Dipartimento di Neuroscie   Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca
   Via C   e.ballarini1 <@t> campus.unimib.it
   Tel. 02-64488119
   Fax. 02-64488253

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