[Histonet] Part-Time Job Opening in Portland, OR

Katelin Lester histology <@t> medsurgpath.com
Tue Jun 15 14:24:52 CDT 2010

Part-Time Laboratory Technician

Part-time laboratory technician needed for private histology laboratory.
Job duties include accessioning and handling medical specimens.  Applicant
should be familiar with human anatomy, have attention to detail, and be
self motivated.  HTL/HT (or equivalent) encouraged to apply.

Bachelor’s degree in biology, chemistry or other basic science with a
minimum GPA 3.2 required.

Salary DOE

Email katelin <@t> medsurgpath.com or fax resumes to (503) 670-9754

Katelin Lester, HTL(ASCP)
MedSurg Pathology Associates, Inc.

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