[Histonet] Paraffin in processor

Charles, Roger rcharles <@t> state.pa.us
Tue Jul 20 10:15:24 CDT 2010

Greetings all,
We ran into an issue with the level of our first paraffin being extremely low one day.  We normally rotate paraffin at 300 blocks but sometimes this could take 4-5 weeks and 15-20 runs before we get to this magic number.  My question is if we change to a number of runs to change/rotate reagents what would be the best number to choose.  Five runs much like our cleaning reagents or can we stretch to 10 runs.  The day our volume was low we had 16 runs documented.
Thanks so much.

Roger Charles| Microbiologist II
Pennsylvania Veterinary Laboratory
2305 North Cameron Street | Harrisburg, PA 17110
Phone: 717.787.8808 | Fax: 717.772.3895

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